Proven Results for Warehouse Distributors

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As a WHI preferred vendor, Sound Press has provided Nexpart professional services for many warehouse distributors all over North America, including support to the ACDelco distributor network. We are acutely aware that the automotive B2B world can be a tough space to sell and do business in. Automotive distribution has its own set of challenges that need to be met with a clear strategy and action plan. Sound Press has taken on these challenges to help grow sales and increase the bottom line for countless distributors.


The main challenges for distributors are two-fold – Primarily, how do we bring users to the Nexpart Hometab website site, and secondarily, how do we encourage users to buy online rather than simply call or visit a warehouse? The first challenge rests entirely outside of the B2B world of Nexpart. How do we communicate to users that Nexpart is the premier place to buy parts? Additionally, once a user has logged in, what tools do we have to ensure users are purchasing online and getting the most out of their account?


Responding to these needs, Sound Press worked alongside ACDelco corporate to help market the CONNECTION (ACDelco’s version of Nexpart) Hometab website and The Market non-application products as well as working internally to build systems that track statistics and analytics. Sound Press exists as a full-service digital marketing agency, specializing in web design/development and various other forms of digital marketing. We help drive more users to WD Hometab sites and The Market catalogs through email campaigns and website ads. Inside of the CONNECTION, we make use of the built-in ‘opening page’ announcements feature to alert users of new specials and promotions. Additionally, Sound Press has built a custom system to help display non-application parts in various forms of flyers, rotators, and multi-page click-to-buy documents.

Sound Press helps WD’s market their products through flyers and other design assets to help drive sales.

Sound Press helps drive more users to CONNECTION by utilizing login portals on your public website.


In all of these cases, Sound Press showed clear trackable results for each CONNECTION user. Results that not only increased traffic to their sites but also revenue. See below for a few stats that show proven results from a few of our WD’s.

For one user, Sound Press helped drive over 3,700 users in 1 month to the landing page and gave the opportunity for users to Stock Check items.

For one user, Sound Press helped drive almost 1,500 users in 1 month to the landing page and gave the opportunity for users to Stock Check items.

With such a broad distribution network, ACDelco needed a way to equip their distribution network with marketing tools to grow sales and connect with end-user customers. Sound Press utilized existing features in CONNECTION as well as created innovative tools for selling non-application parts, chemicals, and other products within CONNECTION.

Let’s discuss how we can help grow your business!