Nexpart Messaging Best Practices

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Sound Press has been working with automotive distributors for over 10 years – helping Nexpart users maximize their B2B product sales and grow their businesses. Listed below are some of the main contributors that we have found to help warehouse distributors succeed in their marketing communications to customers.

Regular Specials and Announcements

The #1 way to increase sales and keep your customers coming back for more is through regular monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly specials and promotions. Consistency in marketing specials educates your customers to know when to look for new content and helps them plan on when and how they purchase from you. Similar to other marketing strategies, if you can’t maintain consistency, you have already lost your audience and your competitors can easily become the louder voice in your customer’s ears.

If you aren’t producing your own monthly specials or promos, Sound Press offers design and print services and can help supplement your in-house team.

Utilize the “Nexpart Messaging” Feature

One of the easiest and most effective ways to communicate with your clients is through the “Nexpart messaging” tab in your Nexpart admin account. The messaging area within the admin site is simple and straightforward to use and creates a message that cannot be avoided by users when they log into their Nexpart account. There’s no better way to guarantee that your customers are getting eyes on your new specials and promotions.

Users can opt-out of future, repeated messages but will always see any new message at least once.

Hometab default landing page

If Nexpart opening messages are the best way to guarantee your users will view your new content, having the Hometab set as the default landing page is the second-best way. If your Hometab page is not the default landing page upon logging into Nexpart, you are missing out on a valuable resource to grab your customers’ attention and capture sales quickly and effectively. This assumes that you have a custom Hometab site and are featuring your monthly specials and flyers on that site. If you don’t have a Hometab site, Sound Press has built many sites for WD’s around the country.

Click Here for instructions on how to set your Hometab as the default landing page for your users.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is still alive and well. Businesses and consumers are utilizing email more than ever and statistics show that B2B email activity is only going to increase in the coming years. Sound Press has helped many companies build email marketing strategies and grow their audience through developing content for monthly mailings. Email is still relevant. Why wouldn’t you be emailing your customers regarding your regular specials and promotions?

If you haven’t started emailing your customers on a regular basis, the best place to start is to make sure you have a solid list. If you don’t have a solid list of constituents, you can start by collecting email addresses through your website and hometab sites. Your website should feature a simple email signup form at minimum, in addition to a more in-depth contact/lead generating form.

There are now multiple vendors that offer email marketing for a low monthly fee or even free depending on how large your list of recipients is. Sound Press can custom design an email template as well as help set the strategy and content to launch your email campaigns.


Contact us today to see how we can help you communicate better with your customers and help grow your business!