Email Marketing

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Businesses and consumers are utilizing email more than ever. Statistics show that B2B email activity is only going to increase in the coming years. Make sure your email campaigns are cutting through the noise with design and content that demands attention. Let Sound Press design an email template for your business and help increase your bottom line.

You may have heard of Hubspot, ActOn, Eloqua, SharpSpring, Pardot, Marketo, and others. All these tools basically do the same thing – deliver lead generating content unique to individuals – Automatically. Our marketing automation tool goes beyond Google Analytics that looks at Users and Sessions. These tools actually let you know what a specific customer by name/email address is experiencing in your digital presence. The power of this business intelligence is invaluable. We can know what to write, know who to market to, map out customer types and what they are looking for, then build it in the digital presence of the brand. It’s all about giving customers what they are looking for, nurturing relationships, creating business opportunities, and pursuing the sales lifecycle towards mutually beneficial client relationships.

Click below to see a few examples of our email templates, campaign analytics, and marketing automation stats.