Increase Sales Through B2B ecommerce


Sound Press has worked with many distributors all over North America to help sell more products online through WHI’s Nexpart B2B ecommerce portal. One of our manufacturers based in the San Francisco Bay area has grown its sales by using Sound Press’ proprietary Hometab B2B ecommerce website integrated with WHI’s Nexpart system.

We’ve worked with this distributor for over a decade providing them with digital marketing services including a public website, Nexpart non-application catalog support, and monthly specials/promotional content updates to their Hometab B2B ecommerce website.

Sound Press built an ACDelco batteries landing page on their Hometab B2B ecommerce website which lives inside of WHI’s CONNECTION (a Nexpart variation) portal, focusing on marketing their ACDelco battery top-sellers. In August of 2023, there was a pointed increase in sales of ACDelco batteries that led to a 23% growth from the previous month.

Sound Press helps market products for our distributors on our Hometab B2B eCommerce website platform through specials and promo fliers. The Hometab B2B ecommerce website helps drive users directly to seasonal top sellers and popular products. There are also options and functionalities within the Hometab program to target specific customer types that may include, fleets, dealerships, repair shops, and professional installers.

Sound Press is known as a leader in the automotive B2B ecommerce space and would love to connect with your company to help you build a winning strategy to increase sales online.